Saturday, October 6, 2012

New Lens

I had mentioned to Ryan that my favorite thing about fancy cameras is that you can adjust the depth of field (aka make some things in focus and other things blurry - the only way that I know how to make pictures look fancy) and he bought a lens that will let you lower the aperture all the way down to 1.8 (very little will be in focus, especially if you take pictures close up).  It is...amazing. Or rather, I know it will be amazing when I figure out how to use it.  So far, most of my pictures just end up being a blurry mess. Just so that you can see it's potential, check out this picture where the only thing in focus is Bears' eye.

 Also with this lens, you've got to be like 30 feet away from the subject to get the entire thing in so in just about all these photos, I'm doing all I can to fit Bears' whole face in.  And usually failing.

Ryan took all the shots from here.  I don't know what it is about this first one but I love it.  Something about the lines of his arm.

Bears kissing his best friend, the fire hydrant.

Running with reckless abandon just before...

...toppling over and skinning his knee.  Here he is kissing it all better.

Hanging out by Diddum's garden

Having some fun times with Aunt Caroline.

This is one of his favorite expressions as of late.  It's the face he makes just before covering his mouth with both hands, trying to contain his excitement.  I'm just sad that we didn't get a picture of that part.

While I was out with Bears, I was wondering why I never tried to take any pictures of stuff other than my kids when we were out and decided to take a picture of a cool looking leaf.  In the 3 seconds that I was distracted, Bears had bolted and nearly got to the street before I could catch him.  Ah.  That's why.


  1. The new lens seems cool. I agree, I like that look in pictures too. Those are some very cute pictures of Bears. Haha... pretty typical not being able to take your eyes off them for a minute, even more so with Bears than Zoey since he's faster and more of an explorer.

  2. It's funny that you mention modifying the aperture because Sesame Ellis had a post ( that makes me want to play around with apertures. I'm now this close to buying a special Nikon lens.

    1. You totally should! You definitely won't regret getting one. Those shots on her blog were amazing, thanks for sharing.


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