Friday, January 21, 2011

My Hair Lately

If you're really observant, you may have noticed my startlingly bold and very breezy haircut.  You may be wondering where I found the courage to cute such lovely, feathered bangs.  The answer is, I didn't.  That there is nature's way of giving me some extra style, as it were.  A few months after baby man was born, roughly 2/3 of my hair fell out.  It's finally decided to start growing back, leading to the fashionable dream pictured above.

hmm...I'm decidedly lacking in baby man material. uhh random videos will have to do I guess.

baby man playing in his crib

Here he is hanging out while listening to some pretty awesome music that poopers sent to us. He really liked this song but by the time I got out the camera, he was pretty devastated. He's big into whimpering these days when he's not delighted.


  1. I've read about women losing a lot of hair because of the hormone cycles, but I've never seen the results. That's amazing! Very stylish bangs.

  2. Wow, I didn't realize you had really lost that much. I never see these fashionable bangs in person, you must sweep them off to the side pretty well? Maybe it'll end up even thicker, it looks like a lot is coming in.

    Aw, too bad you didn't film him when he was thrilled about the song. I loved the other video. He is so adorable with how giggly and excited he gets.

  3. I have the new hair growing in too except mine are not stylish at all! I have a clump right where my hair parts and they just stick up. How did you train your hair?

  4. Poopers - yes, I can only hope that it'll grow back even thicker. I know, it's terrible that I didn't get his excitement for that song on film. I keep meaning to...hopefully I'll actually remember sometime when he's not napping.

    Marissa - I wish I had some secret to tell you but I just kinda smashed those hairs down with the aid of some water for the sake of the photo. In real life it's exactly as you describe it, little tufts of hair sticking out everywhere. When I'm really motivated sometimes I'll try and smooth them down using a hair smoothing serum but nothing really works. I have a hard time imagining that yours really looks all that bad though. When you were here I was noticing how great your hair looks so I'm pretty sure you fared better than I did in that department. :)

  5. The bangs are good news, since that's a lot of hair growing back.
    Baby man seems to be enjoying himself. He's looking very cute, as usual.


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