Saturday, January 15, 2011

9 Months

Now that Bears is 9 months old, he takes himself even more seriously, as you can likely observe from the above photograph.  He's clearly contemplating a future full of heroism and tragedy.  And perhaps cookies.  The boy loves his cookies.

Lately he's been big into poking people and objects with his index finger, fish hooking mouths and eyeballs, clicking with his tongue, feeding himself (cheerios and the like), scooting along the floor on his back, and cruising along using furniture.  His cruising skills leave a bit to be desired, as he needs a constant spotter but he's definitely starting to learn to get around.  No crawling, or even a sign that he'll ever crawl.  He's not one to put up with being belly down for more than about 6 seconds.  Still growling as a primary means of communication of course.

annnd here's a video of baby man playing. *spoiler alert* he pokes a drool spot with his finger.


  1. I love his outfit, complete with leg warmers. He's such a cutie, I think his cheeks have definitely surpassed Kin's.
    Lol, nice spoiler alert. I wonder if all babies go through the poking things with the index finger stage? Kins still does a lot of that now. I see baby man has quite the attention to detail noticing that drool spot.

  2. I don't know...pretty sure Kins' cheeks are at least that size. There's just nothing cuter than when they've got so much pudge on their cheeks that it starts to droop a little. Yeah, I was wondering if all babies start poking everything. I remember you talking about how she was really fond of it starting a few months ago.

  3. Kins definitely went through the poking stage.
    I love the first photo. For the first time, I can see a resemblance between Baby Man and his mommy.


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