Friday, May 4, 2012

Spiffy Bears

Between Grandma and Pop Elkins and my friend Alexis, Bears should be all set on fancy outfits for quite some time.  He decided that he really wanted to wear his "green one" a little while back and then go out and inspect our neighbor's trailer, dog bones, and basketball.  All activities that are best done while looking one's best.

He wore his purple fancy outfit to his birthday party but I foolishly didn't bring my camera.  He ended up stripping down to just his diaper in short order anyway.  No doubt because he realized that the only appropriate suit for the occasion was his birthday suit.  Very wise, Bears.

Feeding the fishes across the street.

Getting bit by those blasted fishes because he couldn't feed them fast enough.

Looking mischievous.  I'm sure that disaster ensued shortly after this was taken...fortunately, my memory only goes back about 5 minutes these days so I have no traumatic recollections of what must have happened.

Every time he sees this image, he says it's "Papa"
He does not like the idea of Papa with an arrow through his head.

Here's a video for Grandma and Pop Elkins of Bears opening his birthday present from them.


  1. Oh, man, does he ever have some cute clothes. That hat is adorable on him, and I love the sweater vests. Of course the suit is nice for those really formal occasions like inspecting trailers. That is too bad he didn't get bday pics, he was looking very handsome.

  2. I can see that this boy has a sense of style! (Or could it be his mom who is the stylin' one?) Love that 3 piece suit, and the caps and sweater vests are very cool, too.


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