Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Art of Smiling on Command and the Wonders of Play-Doh

Grandma and Pop Elkins sent Bears some play-doh for easter and it has been a huge hit.  He's spent at least an hour playing with it today alone.  His favorite seems to be the basic smilie face and really enjoys helping me make them and then pulling them apart.  I also discovered that he knows how to smile on command...well, at least attempt to smile.  He seems to have inherited my astounding abilities at contrived smiling.

Pretty impressive, right?

Good times.


  1. Great smiles! I loved your bathtub video, too.

  2. Lol, silly Bears. His smile does kinda look like yours actually, that comment made me laugh. You've improved though, perhaps he will too. If not, it's ok because it's hilarious. Zoey likes play-doh too, but I haven't tried making faces with it. I bet she would like that.

  3. Cute smiles, I especially love the puckered lips! Kylee loves to do puckered lips. It makes me laugh everytime. My kids love playdoh too except they never play for an hour alone. What am I doing wrong?

    1. haha you're not doing anything wrong...that was just poor wording on my part. He doesn't play with play-doh (or anything else) by himself at all. His record for playing with anything by himself is probably 10-20 minutes. I just meant to say that just counting today, he'd played with it for an hour total. That's so cute that Kylee's big into puckering her lips, I can totally picture her doing it.

  4. Play-Doh is one amazing creation! Hours of fun. Locke Duran is one handsome little man.

  5. Great smile haha! He is such a cute kid!


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