Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Bear

Bears has really gotten into dressing himself lately.  Yesterday he insisted on throwing on a jacket before leaving the house to go out in the chilly 85 degree weather.  Hood and all.  He kept it on for a good five minutes too which was longer than I'd predicted.  I guess he just really wanted to look cool...

...or maybe just intimidating.  If I saw this guy on the streets, there's no way I'd mess with him.  He looks intense.  Like, black belt intense.

He decided that it was a good day for a bike ride and of course insisted on putting his helmet on immediately for safety.  It's so nice that he's finally joined the ranks of countless other toddlers and gotten obsessed with his helmet.  He sure used to hate them.

The moment when he's forced to acknowledge that perhaps a jacket wasn't the best choice

He removes the jacket but the realization of his poor choice has left him shaken and he takes a moment for some quiet introspection.

He fully recovered once he got a chance to hug the shiniest, coolest fire hydrant on our block.
 This cub loves his fire hydrants...

...and big trucks.  Here he is excitedly saying hello to one as it drives down the street.

We had to stop to smell the roses then it was time to head home. Actually, he couldn't reach high enough to smell this one but he was terribly proud of how gentle he was while touching it.  He's pretty hit and miss when it comes to being gentle with flowers.  They're just so much fun to mash I guess.

We headed home and he decided that it was time to get dressed in his sports shirt and play with some trucks.

Then we watched the saddest video that the world has ever known

Daddy came home and it was time to piggle about in jammies for a bit before bedtime


  1. Your pictures are wonderful! I'm assuming they were all taken with your new camera? Of course Bears is very photogenic so the pictures would be great regardless.

    1. thanks so much! they sure were. :) I still don't know anything about the camera but it's lots of fun trying to figure it out.

  2. I'm so glad you gave him the space and time for that much needed moment of introspection... lol. That's so cute how he likes to dress himself now.

    And, yes, I think the pics are really nice too. Seems like you've figured out enough for now anyway, but hopefully it'll be really fun to keep learning it.

  3. the saddest thing i ever saw today:
    Bears watching the saddest movie he ever saw with the sad sad music

  4. I am so ecited that I got to hear Locke say "fright". It was really cute. I did not know he was a thumb sucker. Kylee is too and I'm not looking forward to getting her out of that habit. The pictures look great too.


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