Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hangin outside and random videos

Lately Bears has been really pumped about exploring outside.  We seem to spend around 2-3 hours a days puttering about the neighborhood and talking about the various discoveries he makes.  It's pretty glorious.  Except on the really cold days.  He's got a giant polartec fleece suit for those occasions but I have yet to find such an item for myself.  Here he is exploring on a balmy 58° day.

He's gotten up to around 150 words now but I think that my favorite thing he says his gibberish.

He's got a love hate relationship with this Twinkle Twinkle video.  As a whole he thinks it's brilliant but at the end, the owl has to say goodbye to the star and it just breaks his heart.  Also, he was going through a phase of gagging himself at the time.  It makes for an interesting juxtaposition.

This one is from a few months back.  He's been really into saying "BOOM!!" and stomping about for quite some time now.  This was the first time that Ryan did his version of it and I think it cemented him firmly in place as Bears' hero.  You can just see the awe in Bears' eyes as he looks up at him.


  1. Well, shoot\. zoey a]nbd i just wrote a whole comment, but then she hit a button and it was
    gone. basically, we loved the videos. i thought bear's was hilarious in the twinkle video, adorable in the gibberish, and zoey loved the boom video. she's terribly upset that we're not watching the boom video again right now actually.

  2. Awww...cute pics!GO Locke saying 150 words. We are nowhere close to that. I love the way he puckers his lips when he was babbling. The boom was too funny. He does look smaller there so I can tell he has grown. It's funny to see him all bundled up..we are still in shorts over here! I was excited for the update!

  3. Laura...you are doing a fan-tabulous job of treasuring up the memories. Mary was our babbler, and how I wish I had a video of her in action. She would talk to Unca "D" endlessly and saved all of her hugs for him, too. Locke couldn't be any cuter. Love you all!

  4. Poor blog. It's starting to feel afraid that it will never get updated again...


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