Monday, November 14, 2011

Sick Bears

Anyone who knows Bears knows that he's always been far too busy to cuddle with the exception of when he was a newborn.  Because of that, it wasn't all bad when he came down with a tummy bug that left him throwing up for days and needing tons of snuggles.  I felt really bad for the poor little tyke and did everything I could think of to make him feel better but I can't deny that I was eating the whole experience up...with a few twinges of guilt here and there for loving it so much.  He had tummy troubles for about five days and every one of those days involved hours and hours of cuddling.  Since I've only gotten 1-second hugs out of him for well over a year, this was heaven.  We even cuddled up and watched a movie.  Well...half a movie.  He was still Bears after all and did eventually realize that he had more important things to do.  He was patient enough to let me spoon feed him broth every couple of hours and wanted to give out plenty of kisses.  I still feel a bit guilty thinking about it now but I would say that this easily ranks in my top 5 best Bears memories so far.  It was the first time in a long time that I really felt like a nurturing mommy instead of a slightly frazzled person just trying to keep up with her highly curious, adventurous, and (sometimes) troublesome cub.  Of course, it's nice to have him back to his very busy self.  I think,.  As I'm typing this I'm trying to teach him not to bite my arm or head-butt my leg...aggh

alright, grandma videos

I apologize for the really terrible audio.  it seems the mic on this camera doesn't have much of a sound threshold so either things are super quiet or deafening. ah well.

These first two feature chasing games and our constantly-torn-apart apartment

Counting with daddy

Hunting FLIES!!!

Random summer video of bears and his ball


  1. I was just thinking about how I need to harass you to blog. Aww... poor bears. But I can see why you partly enjoyed it. Sick babies are the most cuddly of all. And especially when you don't get many cuddles, it totally makes sense that you'd eat it up. Bears does usually have a crucial agenda. Those videos are cute. Makes me realize that I need to chase Zoey more often, she loves it too.

  2. Thanks for thinking of the adoring grandmas, Laura. UR the best!


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