Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bears Goes to Texas *Updated*

We headed out to Texas last week to visit Ryan's parents.  Luckily, Locke's cousins were in town as well so we got to hang out with them for part of the trip.  You can see Jake in the pic below.  He's such a cute little chunk. Ryan's mom decided to throw Bears a fancy bear-themed party while we were there, complete with bear invitations, bear cake/table/plates/cups, and of course a giant bear piñata.  I'm terrible about remembering to take pictures so I'll have to do an update later showing all the cool stuff that was there.  We spent 9 days out there and I have to admit that it was pretty dreamy to have a break from cleaning, laundry, cooking, and all the other stuff I'm supposed to do regularly but rarely get around to.  We were definitely spoiled out there.  We pretty much just chilled the entire time while Ryan's parents did everything for us.  Ahh it was amazing.  They were great hosts.

Bears loved playing with his cake. I decided that since it was his birthday, he should get as big of a piece as anyone. This was actually the first time I had trusted him with anything other than dry food and luckily, my trust was not betrayed.  He did a brilliant job.  He almost got an entire tablespoon of cake in his mouth.
Okay, Grandma Elkins sent over some pictures that give a better idea of the actual party.  Here he is opening his presents and, more importantly, here I am pulling up my pants.  I can assure you that there would have been quite a scandal had I not been so vigilant about doing just that.  Those blasted pants are always falling down.  Luckily, since then I've become a bit more savvy and have employed the use of a belt.
Bear piñata!
Custom balloons
Bears whacked it open with just one try!  Well, almost.
The only candy he was allowed to have out of his piñata.  It was a big time hit.
haha this picture makes me laugh
...blowing out his candle/getting lit on fire


  1. That does sound nice having everything taken care of for awhile. The bear party sounds so cute! You definitely need to obtain some pictures to post. How did he like hanging with the other babies? Just general staring and occasional poking?

  2. Yup, the staring and very occasional poking were about it as far as interaction goes. He did seem to like it though. He seems to really like hanging out with other babies and kids even if they're not actually doing much together.

  3. It looks like his party was adorable! I love the bear pinata. And that picture is funny where he's at the head of the table, but just barely visible. He can't help if he's not very tall yet. He makes up for it with his strong masculine presence.


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