Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bear Skills

Bears has gotten really into dancing lately.  Unfortunately, his major move is to shake his head back and forth quickly and I can only imagine that this leads to a bit of vertigo.  I suspect that's the reason that he dances in very short spurts instead of continuously.  This video could use some editing, as he only uses his head thrashing move throughout the entire thing, but who has the time?  Well...I do, but surely not the inclination.

At 11.5 months and after learning how to walk, he's finally started trying his hand at crawling.  This video shows his second attempt ever.  It'll be interesting to see if he starts doing this instead of walking for a bit since it doesn't involve him toppling and conking his noggin on a regular basis.

He's also started rubbing his hands together vigorously several times a day.  The first time he did it, I couldn't figure out what he was doing until it occurred to me that I had just washed my hands in front of him moments before.  Still no luck on getting him to clap or wave but I caught him waving enthusiastically at random strangers while we were on our trip.  He would only do it at a last resort to get attention though.  I have this sneaking suspicion that he knows that he doesn't need to do anything except exist to get smothered with attention when it comes to his own family.  Oh and I suppose I should note that he said his first word about 3 weeks ago.  "Light."  Although Ryan still thinks I'm making it up as he stopped saying it after chanting it over and over again for 3 days.


  1. His dancing is hilarious! And adorable. Interesting that he's now trying to crawl after learning to walk. What a silly Bears. Well, I can vouch for him, he said light loud and clear, I heard it. So did Kins.

  2. He sure seems happy while doing his head banging dance.
    Crawling seems like a wise change. Those first months of walking (and falling) are hard on a baby's head!

  3. love his sweet dance moves, so cute and makes me a little dizzy to watch. The move to crawling does seem like a safe choice, especially combined with the dancing, that can't be good with walking.

  4. Randy and I were both laughing at his dance moves! I love how he takes breaks between. This is the hardest stage on their poor little heads, when they learn to pull up and walk. Kylee has banged her head a few times this week :(


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