Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Test of Sorts, if You Will

So...trying to figure this whole blog layout thing and I couldn't think of a more perfect picture to use for the test than the one above. Also I'm told that if you upload videos to youtube instead of blogger they don't look as crappy. We'll see how it goes.


  1. Actually, I won't. And I resent it that you asked me to, to be honest with you.

    P.S. The videos look a LOT better. And I'm gonna Skype you about the picture thing.

  2. Well, well. Looks like you called my bluff. Turns out that it's a test even if you won't, which is quite unfortunate for you. Even so, I agree that the videos look much better. It was a pretty good tip. If you will, of course.

  3. This one time I will Tooter Squats, and don't you forget it.


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