Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stay Cool

I couldn't let Ryan steal all the glory with that picture in the last post.  Not sure if this one competes but it's the best I can come up with on short notice.  

 Before I tell this story, I guess I should explain that I get really nervous around cops.  Like I'm gonna get busted for breaking laws that I don't even know exist.  I feel like this is very rational and it serves me well as you'll see if you read on.

So earlier today I was driving past an officer and thought to myself "okay, stay cool, just look natural.  we don't want this cop getting suspicious of any foul play," and promptly crashed the van into the curb, peeled out when I floored the gas in an attempt to brake, finally found the brakes and violently skidded to a halt.  I even had the presence of mind to roll my window down and explain to the officer that I've got this fear of cops which will sometimes result in my inability to function physically.  Which is completely untrue since I was obviously way smooth and casual the whole time but he totally bought it.  Job well done, I say.  He never suspected a thing and I got to go on with my day without being arrested.

Okay and so this post isn't too disappointing  to grandma elkins, here's a picture of ryan and baby man.

...and baby man after a bath.

Lookin cool...and more random pictures


  1. Ooooh, good times. In your defense, the curb you crashed into was actually a median, and it was totally blanketed in leaves. So, when I heard the skidding and tiny crash sound I assumed the cop wasn't even involved. I can't believe you left the best part out of the blog though. You must update it to include how you rolled down the window and explained yourself to the cop. I'm giggling just thinking about it.

  2. Funny story, you have the staying cool down! Love the pic with the huge smile. That is one of my favs.

  3. Ha, yes I do have staying cool down to a science, glad you can appreciate it marissa.

    and tess, I updated it with that info but I'm not entirely sure it adds anything. Except...I suppose it was pretty smooth of me to explain myself to him. pretty quick on my toes.

  4. Don't you mean Poopers McGrue or something similar to that? Who's this Tess? I don't know, it just really cracked me up that you actually felt the need to roll down your window and explain to him that you were so concerned about his presence that you ran into the median.


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