Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Giggles

Baby Man has been giggling for a few weeks now but today's the first day that it's been reliable enough for me to get it on camera. So far the most hilarious things in his book are diaper changes and other people laughing. But mostly diaper changes. Obviously his sense of humor could use some refinement.

* don't mind my cheesy laughing...or the fact that every time I make a video it turns out sideways. It's just my style.

1 comment:

  1. That video is hilarious! I love how he only laughs after you laugh, it's so cute. He's got an infectious laugh, and it's also funny how he wiggles around the whole time. You have left yourself some room for improvement with your filming sideways technique. Maybe next time it could just be slanted and you could work up to a non sideways video eventually.


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