Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby Bear in a Bumbo Chair

I found this bear outfit in one of the many bags of clothes I have from my friend Alexis and had to put teeny goober in it because it was pretty chilly in our apartment this morning. I realized it would be a good opportunity to show off both the cuteness of the outfit along with his new "baby sitter." I wish I'd known about this product before because it allows babies as young as 1 month old to sit up. Well, supposedly anyway. I've been spending the last month holding him almost constantly because he was developing a weird head shape from always sleeping on his back. Since his head couldn't grow out the back, it was starting to push out the sides. Here's a pic of it right before I started taking corrective measures:lol I love this picture. With his collar up like that he looks like a cackling Dracula to me. I don't have a recent similar picture to compare it to but I feel like it's looking a little better already. It's probably too soon to tell though.

Anyway, with the Bumbo, I can plop him down next to me and not worry at all about his head smashing itself. Brilliant. I didn't get any pictures of it but he was having a great time playing with some dangling toys that I set up in front of it. What I do have a picture of is him getting pretty intense about his hands here.


  1. Ooooh, so it's been a success! That's cool. Maybe these things are worth it. If my next baby is squirmy and won't let me just sit them in the boppy I think I may try this.

  2. Yup, no reason to get this instead of a boppy if your next baby is as mild mannered as miss munchies. Except that the boppy probably wouldn't work on desks and tables like this can. I'm not sure how huge of an advantage that is though.

  3. I wish they would make these outfits for adults.

  4. I love that first picture. :) And I also like that Dracula photo. But. One question. Is Dracula on Safari or something?

  5. sammy - I sure wish they did too...that would be so rad. maybe you should sew your own? And then if it works out really well, you could sell them. I know I'd sure pay teh big bucks for something like that.

    April - haha well even dracula's gotta take a vacation every now and then. I would imagine that it gets pretty boring in that stuffy castle of his.


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