Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Project Yosemite

One of my friends posted this video on facebook over a year ago and Bears has been obsessed with it ever since.  I don't know how many times we've watched's somewhere in the hundreds now.  It still hasn't gotten old though.  Guess that really says something.

Yosemite HD from Project Yosemite on Vimeo.

Here's a clip of Bears watching it.  He gets pretty pumped every time.

And here's some Biscuits at bedtime


  1. Woah, your new blog look is awesome. I must see thus amazing bear suit that bears is wearing in person. Its all very powerful.

    Cool video. I'm relieved to see bears pay it the proper respect with those killer moves. :)

  2. That video, first makes me sad because I look outside and it's freezing rain. Boo. Then, it makes me excited, because I think, I want to go camping and visit beautiful country like that. Perhaps it's time to plan a vacation to Yellowstone (since Yosemite is like 13 hours drive or something) so Nathan can say that he's been there. Love gorgeous places like this. Let's all go!


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