Monday, September 16, 2013

Dress Up is Serious Business

 I would say that Bears regularly spends most of the day trying to come up with various costume ideas.  This cub is passionate about dressing up these days.

 He was pretending to be a chef one day while wearing daddy's apron that grandma made and he just got too tuckered out.

 Captain America!

Captain IronAmerica!

Captain IronBearsAmerica!

 Iron Man hiding out in a perch trying to escape bitty Biscuits

 Various Pirate/Phantom/Mexican wrestler/Batman ensembles:

 Various Wizards

 Making good use of everyday clothing:

 He told me he was a football player here:

 Darth Vader...casual style:


Captain Hook:

 and...miscellaneous.  I'm pretty sure there's no way to correctly categorize any of these:

Dress up is. indeed, serious business.  It gives one much to contemplate.


  1. Haha. This may be the best post ever. It's seriously loaded with great pictures. It's so cute how much he loves to dress up. Some of these costume combos are pure genius. Did he come up with "snorkling" all by himself? Smart boy.

  2. Every day is Halloween for that bear cub; I can't get over how creative he is. I think "Captain Hook" is my favorite. These are some great photos, Laura. Thanks for putting this's definitely one of my favorites.

  3. That Bears!!!! Oh that was an amazing and heroic hall of fame I just scrolled through. Were those some elbow length satin gloves on his legs at one point? And did Ryan help Bears get that underwear around his arms and on his head? A++++


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