Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Randoms with pictures and videos!

I came into the kitchen one day and found this guy peepin' around through a hole that he'd made in his play doh.  He told me that it was his mask.  He's real into masks these days.  I helped him out by adding another eye and even a mouth hole.  Really classed it up, don't you think?  Not creepy at all.

Instead of eating in his highchair one morning, he decided to curl up in a stray beam of sunlight in our laundry room.  After I'd finished making his oatmeal, he took the bowl over to the little pool of light and started to get settled in, paused, turned back to me and said, "I want to sit in my highchair.  So I don't have to sit in the sun." In our entire 900 square foot apartment, just that one square foot had any direct sunlight.  Worked out for me though.  I'm a big fan of the kids eating in their highchairs.

Ryan got Bears a whole bunch of wooden-looking-but-actually-foam shapes that can be used to build all sorts of cool stuff but he's more interested in wearing them.  He'd been trying to balance that thing on his nose for hours when it occurred to him that it needed a strap.  I hooked him up and he was pretty pumped.  Clearly he looked like the coolest guy ever in that mask, his "black darth vader" cape, his "old MacDonald" hat, and red light saber.

He also went down a slide one time.

 Bears was pretty pumped when he got a hold of this old red wig.

 Sleepy time with Daddy

The suavest, soulful-est spider man ever. 

This one time I made lunch.  This is proof.  I am very domestic.  Alright fiiiine.  It's a tv dinner, you caught me.  hope you're proud of yourself.

He gave himself a real fright by being Spider man.

Apparently I'd just caught each of them doing something.  Guilty looks all around...


"I eat snakes for my bitty breakfast!" Biscuits is so hardcore.

I don't know.  Except that this was Bears' idea.  I...uhh.  yup.

Annnd a bunch of videos for Grandmas:

Biscuits Clapping:

Diddum gave Bears a birthday Ecard.  It was a big time hit:

Bears teaching Biscuits to growl:

Biscuits has this desperate need to swing backwards all the time:

Biscuits decided today that the thing to do is say "eh?" It's good times:

Bears reading a story:


  1. This is an action packed post. That's a good story about bears not wanting to have to eat in the sunlight. The pic of him with his hair all done up is great. Zoey got a big kick out of it. I told him about how I liked that picture today and he was very pleased that I had admired it.

  2. Oh, and that is the sweetest header picture. I'm really admiring your blog layout. I like how huge the header pic can be. Also, I especially liked the red wig picture. That bear and his love for dress up. So cute.

  3. They're adorable kids at such a sweet age, when a super hero costume or a toy snake make great playtime fun. Love your header pic. They are the best of friends already.


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