Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bears Love Beaches

Last week Bears got to discover the wonders of the beaches off the northern coast of Washington.  I don't think it's a stretch to say that the beach is his favorite place ever.  I mean, just look at his smile in this next picture.  If he smiled any bigger, that cub would look plain crazy.

alright.  maybe he does look a smidgen crazy as is.  You get the idea.

He loved just laying in the sand just kinda petting it...

...pointing out very important features out at sea...

...stretching unsightly strands of kelp to get them back in shape...

...discovering things with the aid of his trusty stick...

...Writing notes to Daddy with the aid of Grandma...

...and just puttering around with us.

He was so preoccupied that he even gave grandma and grandpa some time to themselves.  A rare thing on this trip.

playing on the beach really wore him out though.  He fell asleep on grandpa's lap on the plane ride home.  He hasn't slept on anyone's lap since he was a newborn.  It was so cuddly cute.


  1. That's such a gorgeous beach you guys were on. Looks like the one in your painting of you as a little girl.

    Those are some adorable pictures. I think Bears needs a sandbox! Just make sure to get a cover so it doesn't end up being a box filled with cat poop to play with. You could get one of those cute turtle ones with their shell being the cover.

  2. I am so impressed with Bears and that he did not eat the sand! Noah at that age ate sand all the time and I KNOW kylee would too now. We have a turtle sandbox (that I got at a garage sale for $5) and Noah loves it (after he stopped eating sand of course) and still plays in it. Loved the pictures and his HUGE smile!


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