Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Park Adventures...and Too Much Dr Who

 I was looking at this picture trying to think of an appropriate caption but it kept eluding me because Dr Who kept popping in my head.  It's a british show that features this time traveller dude who's always got an attractive female companion with him and they travel through space and time on crazy adventures.  Which is clearly what Bears and Kins are doing up there.

See the resemblance?  No?  Well, like I said, we've been watching a bit too much dr who so I may have lost some perspective.
Bear cub looking out of his time machine before venturing out.

  These outside pictures were taken from Tess' phone.  Pretty impressive for a phone camera.


  1. Huh. I DO actually see the resemblance, and I've never seen Dr. Who. We got some good pictures. I like how you got Bears behind the scenes peeking out.

  2. Those are so cute! He is just growing fun to play at the park. Well fun and nerve racking at least for me.

  3. Cute photos! I've never seen Dr. Who, but I think I get it. Adorable adventurers in time capsule. Blink your eyes and they'll be all grown up...

  4. Well I'm glad that other people can see the resemblance and it's not just me. If you look closely, there's even a mysterious evil villain in the background (aka poopers...aka 2ply).

  5. Totally Dr. Who. They look like they are having so much fun!


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