...is sadly a power I do not possess. Bears and I were walking back from a trek to the local fancy hippie market when suddenly I decided to cross the street. Well, not suddenly per se, since we were at the appropriate intersection and I had been waiting a minute or two for the right time. But for the sake of a riveting story, I'll stick with it. There we were, rashly crossing the street...
...when I noticed that we also had to cross in the other direction in order to get to our destination. After again waiting for the appropriate time, we boldly headed out.
This is when my limited observational powers came into play. I noticed that I couldn't continue going in a straight line because there was a car in the way. I idly wondered what a car was doing out in the middle of the intersection but kept plowing ahead. When I brushed past it, I noticed that it was a bit jagged and crumpled. And also that there were a couple of other crumpled cars mashed into it. That's when I realized that there had been some sort of accident. The cars involved looked pretty mutilated but luckily no one seemed injured.
Now in my defense, I was wearing my new sweet action jogging shoes. As you may have noticed, they're blindingly glorious and very distracting.