Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Out and About: The Strange Slew of Friendly People

You know those days where you feel isolated and disconnected even when surrounded by a sea of people? Seems like most of my days have been like that lately.  Normally when I go out with the boys, people walking by or waiting in line with us dutifully ignore our existence (I reciprocate, of course.  I am anything if not...not social. and also highly proficient with the use of double negatives.  but I digress).  The most we usually get are looks of disdain (when Bears is screaming) or pity (when they're both screaming). But not today.  I don't know what on earth happened but nearly every stranger we ran into treated us like family or old friends.

We started the day by going for a walk with Poopers, Kins, and Max.  It was some good times, as always, with good conversation and minimal tantrumming from the toddlers.  The strange happenings occurred when we headed out to the market after naps.  As we were waiting in line to return some items, the lady behind us struck up a conversation about her 3-year-old great grandson and how much she missed him, as she'd just started a full 2-year mission with her husband.  She was very sweet and tried to engage both boys while talking to me.  Soon the lady behind her started talking to us as even gave Bears his first piece of gum, for which he was ridiculously grateful and kept repeating "wow.  how neat!" over and over again while popping it in and out of his mouth.

After the return was over and we started out actual shopping, it seemed like every time we stopped to look at something, neighboring people would share some sort of anecdote about their own kids with me.  While waiting in the checkout line, a teenage couple behind us played silly games with Bears the entire 10 minutes that we were waiting and even narrated what Biscuits (riding on my back) was thinking, "MOMMMM...I'm pretty sick of being here, let's go HOooOOOMe."

As I was putting the groceries in the back of the car, Bears was yelling his heart out what sounded something like the 60's batman theme song, but I couldn't be certain...that is, I couldn't be certain until a lady roughly 20 yards a way from us started loudly singing "danna nanna nanna nanna na--BATMAN!" and then walked towards us and just as I was taking Bears out of the cart, takes the cart off my hands, says "some people never grow up," with a wink and heads into the store.  Whaaaa...? Is this the kind of thing that happens regularly to most people?  If so, I have really been missing out with all these years of hermitting about.  That is, going out while still managing to avoid just about all social interaction.

It feels so...foreign to feel this kind of connection with so many strangers in a normally non-social atmosphere. Almost makes me think that it might be worth coming out of my bubble so that instances like this won't be quite so rare.  Almost.


  1. Haha, "Oh, wow, how neat!" Bears says such funny things. I thought it was so funny how at the park he kept thanking you when you said he did something well.

    The batman lady sounds especially cool. I don't run across that type of coolness regularly. People being chatty a bit more often, still, not all that much. The 60 degree day today couldn't have hurt your mood much either, that was awesome.

  2. What perfume did you wear that day?
    Or perhaps you actually remembered to brush your teeth before leaving the house? I find that often helps with my social interactions throughout the day.
    Great stories. I especially liked the lady who sang Batman with Bears. Classic.

  3. I tend to want to just get the job done when I go out, but this is a good reminder that taking the time to be friendly can make a difference to someone else. Besides, being friendly makes me feel better, too. Bonuses all the way around.


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