Friday, August 24, 2012

That Bears...

There's something critical that I forgot to mention in that last post.  While Bears is very affectionate towards his little brother, it's pretty much always accompanied by Bears begging him for more presents, to the point where I think it's safe to call harassment.  You see, back before Fox was born, I stock piled a whole bunch of cheap crap off of ebay and wrapped it into about 10 presents. The idea was that if Bears thought that his brother kept bringing him gifts periodically that it would endear Fox to him.  Well, it worked, in a sense.  As Ryan puts it, Bears now thinks of Fox as some sort of treasure goblin who will continue to bring presents so long as Bears keeps trying to engratiate himself towards him.  Every time I leave the two of them in a room together I hear the same phrases over and over again..."Bring 'nuther present, baby Fox.  Bring BIG preSENNNT!" Well. Just see for yourself:

 It's really nice that Bears isn't directly hostile towards his new brother but this has obviously been a tough adjustment for him.  I've definitely noticed a lot of pent up frustration that he usually releases on inanimate objects like the balloon that he's desperately trying to destroy in the above photo.  He eventually succeeded by savaging it with his teeth...and was of course devastated when I couldn't put it back together for him.

 He seems to be feeling a bit more insecure lately, which is understandable, and needs lots of one on one daddy/mommy time.  Lots of times this is spent sleeping, since both daddy and mommy are pretty exhausted these days.  Bears is faking it in this photo but Ryan's totally conked out and snoring here.

 Here he is with his about-to-bolt-or-make-some-sort-of-trouble face.  He makes this face a lot.

 Sharing his brother's toy.  He loves to do this while periodically giving Fox hugs.  Along with asking for presents, of course.

He insisted on putting on his winter cap and then proceeded to wander around outside on a very hot august day.

Did you notice his fashionable capri pants in the above photo?  He was running around the apartment all excited and it took me a minute to realize that he'd managed to cram himself into his brother's newborn-sized pants.  I thought it was pretty impressive that he managed to do it all by himself.  And that they actually kinda fit.  Blast it but he's a skinny little cub.

The other day he got into some creamer and couldn't say enough good things about it.  My favorite phrase that he came up with is, "this is...very good!" I'm guessing that it's something about the delivery because I notice that just reading the phrase isn't all that impressive.


  1. That video is great! I love how dedicated he is to sucking up. So hilarious. I have to tell you, I was eying that creamer myself. Looked pretty good, can't blame Bears for thinking it was "very good".

  2. I'm so excited...I think I fixed the google account so I can comment on your amazing blogs. I loved the "bring nother present baby Fox" video. There's a slightly threatening undertone in Bear's voice at times, as though he's loosing patience or is just getting desperate. Hopefully there's another present up Fox's sleeve!


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