Friday, May 2, 2014

The New House

Helen pointed out that I have yet to post any pictures of our new place which I guess I need to remedy because it is the whole reason we moved to Provo, after all. :)


Front door


Living Room

Main Stairway

Stairway/living room

Sunrise from living room

Worth the 40 mile move, right? I feel like we had no choice; our hands were tied. Bonus--I'm really enjoying Provo so far. It's a total happy coincidence that we seem to actually like the area that our house happens to be located.


  1. My favorite photo was of Biscuits gazing at the lilacs. Yes, you have an absolute gem of a house...can't wait for tonight's BBQ!

  2. Thanks Laura. I LOVE all of those windows and the view looks pretty amazing too.

  3. I love that last picture, catching the sun just about to show itself. Yes, all those windows sure are awesome. Its funny how I'll just wear my sunglasses inside sometimes bc it still feels like I'm outside.

  4. Wonderful habitat, Laura! Everything a free spirit needs to remain free. Yes...I can see the move was totally worth it. I'm so happy that you found this piece of enchantment.


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