Friday, October 4, 2013

Bears is Darth Maul

Last Saturday, my dad pulled up all sorts of Star Wars costumes on his computer for Bears to choose from.  Once he saw the Darth Maul costume, Bears was in love.  Papa ordered not only the standard costume but an additional mask and a double lightsaber as well.  Bears has never been so excited about anything in his whole life, at least as far as I can remember.  The next four days were spent with him asking every few minutes if the costume was here yet.  As soon as it arrived, Papa and Diddums brought it on over.  Bears has spent every moment possible wearing it.  He hasn't been able to nap the last three days because, as he puts it, "I'm just too excited about my darth maul stuff." When he sleeps at night, he has to have all his Darth Maul accessories in bed with him:

He's talking about how cool Darth Maul is.  As well as what a fright he is.
He hasn't wanted to go out at all since getting the costume.  I was able to convince him to go willingly to his dance class yesterday with the lure of being able to show off his costume to everyone there.  Unfortunately, it backfired, since he just wanted to "run around and do darth maul stuff" the entire time and I just ended up bagging it and leaving early, which he was pretty upset about. It was only after being forced to leave that he realized he really did want to be in dance class.  Poor guy.  Such is life when you're three years old.

Story time with Daddy.  He's reading the Darth Maul page in a Star Wars encyclopedia, of course.

For the last week or so, Bears has been singing his own version of a lullaby back to me after I sing one to him.  It's set to the tune of Brahm's Lullaby and usually goes something like this "I love you, I love you, I love you so much..." but for the past two nights it's been more like, "I love you, I love you, darth maul is so cool, I love you...darth you so..he has two lightsabers."

Good stuff.


  1. Have you ever read Sweet Juniper ( He makes the most amazing costumes for his kids. I can't even imagine have the time or skills to create the costumes, but they're fun to look at.

    1. holy crap. the stuff he makes is incredible.

    2. Wow. Yeah, those are some serious costumes!

    3. I love his story because he was a litigator at a San Francisco firm. After his daughter was born he quit his job to be a SAHD, they moved to Detroit, and his wife works as an attorney. Sometimes I wish I could do the same thing, although maybe not in Detroit.

  2. Oh, yes, he is quite a fright!
    His new lullaby is hilarious. What a fun time, Halloween with a 3 year old!

  3. Haha. Hilarious. That's so cute he is so excited he can't even nap over all his darth maul stuff. I hope Zoey gets that excited about it when she gets her Jake and the Neverland things. She claims that Bears can wear the Darth Mal costume around her and she won't be afraid. Maybe it's just the old man costume that's so scary. Now she is begging for Bears to come over right now.

  4. That costume is A.MAZE.ING.
    As are the pictures you grabbed of it. I showed them off to my programmer buddy at work and he instantly claimed that you are the coolest family.


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