Friday, August 31, 2012

7 Weeks Old

He is loving lounging on the new play mat from April. Little Fox is still a pretty mellow guy for the most part and usually doesn't cry as long as he's getting enough cuddles and snacks.  The only time he ever cries for a decent length of time is when he's in the car seat.  He is not a fan of that thing at all and will cry for the entire car ride.

He loves getting attention from Bears, even if it's in the form of getting his ear poked.

He's getting to the point where he'll have about 20 minutes of happy awake time after each feeding.  It's some good times.


  1. Ahhh! He is just getting cuter and cuter. I see Bears a lot when I look at him in pictures, but for some reason never in person. Very nice that he gets a good happy 20 min in after each feeding.

  2. Well done, Laura. You are the best Mom, and I'll keep saying it: These two young men are so lucky to have such a talented and loving Mom. Please accept these simple truths.

  3. I love the pictures. They're so cute. :) Your two young men look quite handsome with Zebra stripes. Glad they appear to like the play mat as much as Anabelle. We'll have to thank whoever invented it!


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