Thursday, July 19, 2012

6 Days Old

So far Fox is such a sweet and mellow guy.  Even when he's fussy he just sounds like a whimpering puppy.  It's the saddest, cutest thing.  He's turning into a pretty great eater and would nurse pretty much constantly if he had his way.  Bears is still really sweet with him although I can tell that the transition's hard on him.  Thank goodness for Diddum coming over every day to hang out or that poor little cub would probably be having lots of meltdowns.  As it is, he spends his mornings going to parks, the market, or wherever just having a blast while I get quiet time with little Fox.

What the toes??  This kid just about has fingers for toes and...I dunno what for fingers.  Whatever is longer than fingers but looks like fingers.  He's got those.  Ryan claims that we've gotta be super nice to him because he's gonna grow into a giant.  Only fools incur the wrath of giants.


  1. I love the picture of his toes. It's hilarious. Fox and I have something in common. I have fingers for toes too! I love his eyes in the first picture. SO cute!

  2. Long toes just means that he'll be tall. You've got a basketball playin' fox on your hands.

  3. He's got your good looks, Laura, but I can't argue with the height predictions. He's going to be quite the striking young man.

  4. Awww, that first pic is very cute. Shows his eyes well, sure doesn't look like there's any chance they'll be brown. And the second and third pics look like he's got a little smile, so sweet. Yeah, his being "fussy" is so quiet and cute.


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