Monday, February 7, 2011

Bears Love Bowls

Plastic orange bowls are hilarious. That's a given. But what you might not realize is that we actually have one of our own here at the house. Bears is just doing what any of us would do if given the chance to hang out with one of these bad boys. And by bad boys, I of course mean plastic orange bowls.


  1. That look on his face near the end of the video is so cute. Right after he pulls out more bowls, when he looks back at you, like, woah mama, look what I found! Like he's just stunned by his good fortune. Kins likes to pull bowls out of the cabinet, but she hasn't realized how funny they are yet. Maybe I need to show her. In turn, does he know how funny feet are? If you sit down with your feet next to him, and then attack him with them? Does he know that's the most hilarious thing in the world? Kins recommends he experience that.

  2. I agree, that was funny when he found more bowls. It was too cute! This brings back memories of bowls all over my kitchen floor.

  3. Poopers - I tried attacking him with my feet and it was a hit. You'll have to thank kins for giving me such a great idea. I think the hilarity with the bowls involves him hearing his voice echoed back to him.

    Marissa - that he's getting more mobile it's like the dawn of a new age.


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