Friday, September 17, 2010

Old Codgery Cudger

Lately Baby Man's been a big fan of sucking on his lower lip, making him look like an old toothless man. He augments this image with old man grunts and moans sometimes too:

Oh and just go ahead and ignore the depeche mode in the background. He seems to like it when I put on dance music and prance around while making dinner. He really gets a kick out of hopping around to the beat, like most babies I would imagine.

Here's my terrible filming skills at work, showing how he thinks it's funny when the camera comes towards him really fast. If you look closely halfway through, he lifts his eyebrow sean connery-style. It's awesome. But really subtle. And then later he tries to eat the camera.

I'm always having to clean under baby man's 3 times a day lately since he's developed such a drooling problem that it's pretty much constantly moist and there's usually a bit of a rash despite my best efforts. Anyway, after I wipe him off, I usually lift up his chin and blow on it so that it's dry for at least a little while and this always gives him the chills. I thought it was pretty cute so I filmed it:

And also for your viewing pleasure, I'm including some videos where absolutely nothing of interest happens. I'm thinking his grandmas might like it but even they might get bored.


  1. I believe is is working on his "bitter beer face" do you remember those commercials? Adorable.

  2. I don't remember those, I'm out of the loop. However, I do find those videos to be adorable. It's funny to imagine you prancing around to Depeche Mode for his entertainment. I think that should be the next video you post. He's so cute sucking on his lip. And his shivers are adorable too. Maybe he's really going to get some teeth soon if he's drooling all that much. Assuming it's not just a myth about the drooling meaning soon to teethe. But, it did seem to be true for Munchies.


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