Baby Man's really been into scrunching his face up and breathing furiously through his nose lately. So much that he'll often do it when he's not even really upset which can get kinda confusing. Here's a preview picture but the video captures it much better.
It's some scary times around here what with the witching hour (err day perhaps) almost upon us. Baby Man insists on adopting his usual camera expression which in the context of halloween turns out to be very appropriate.
Also, he just turned 6 months 2 days ago. He's finally started rolling from belly to back recently but still doesn't have it down perfectly yet. And by that I mean that I saw him roll over one time with the help of his crib bars. But you know, he's getting there. Also, he's getting decent at sitting up. But honestly, he doesn't trouble himself too much with all the boring typical milestones that most babies get all hung up about. He's more into developing mental skills. Like telepathy, for instance. He'll stare at an object for minutes at a time with an intensity that you'd have to see to believe while frantically flapping his arms. He's big into drinking my "coffee" (basically warm milk with sugar) in the mornings, gasping and chirping at the dogs, and grabbing everything in sight and shoving it in his mouth. This includes things that he considers to be disgusting as well. He'll shove a rice cracker in his mouth, grimace, shudder violently, moan sadly, then quickly shove it back in his mouth only to start the whole thing over again. He loves being outside. In fact, if he's not sleeping, that's still the only way I can consistently keep him happy. We walk to the grocery store every day and still go hiking at least a couple times a week. It's so sad that winter's coming but Tess has started to convince me that snowshoeing might possibly be delightful. We will see.
Oh and look how skinny this bear is! He's up to over 70% in height but has dropped to 17% in weight. He's got the skinny lurp genes for sure. :)
He really likes showing off his slender baby physique whenever he gets the chance.
More random videos for grandmas...
He's really into standing up these days. Just standing rigidly still, that's it. Bouncing or any type of leg movement is currently for suckers.
Here's something that he was really into for like a week and hardly ever does anymore. He started violently gasping whenever he'd get excited, and in this case, seeing the puppies is very exciting.
lol...his dad has such a way with children. That's all I've gotta say about this one.
Here is his first encounter with a sippy cup. It was a hit.